And the good thing about it is the statement that there is no boric acid or preservatives used in the fish balls, fish paste and fish cake.
The fish balls are actually those of Sai Tou; Teochew Fish Balls.
Mum was happy to tell me about it as she knows that I love fishy stuffs; and especially fish balls.
Furthermore, there's no boric acid. At one point, mum was telling me to stop consuming fish balls as they were using this acidic solution to make fishballs which can dissolve the bones in the fish in seconds and this may impose a negative long term impact if it was to be consumed by humans.....yeeeee......

Overall, not bad lar....but a little pricey (probably that's why people did not come:p )
The fish paste were very little but still decent for fish food.....
Oooo...Daddy mentioned that they have pretty smooth bean curd custard (tau foo far) which I have yet to try....let me try it out the next round and let you know (if the shop is still around then:)
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