Happy XXth Birthday to PickyEater (don’t wanna reveal the age:p )
My FAVOURITE time of the year…next to Christmas(not just literally but in fact it like, just a week plus after Christmas )
Thanks to everyone who remembered…with all those messages/emails/calls/cards/presents…thanks guys and gals…MUACKSS!!(read more in my other blogs: )
I had this treat from my good good pal; who already made an appointment and booked my calendar way ahead of the date…hehe; so no choice…have to have dinner…sorry lar guys….but PickyEater cannot eat that much…too many food in one night?:p
So, my pal brought me to the most classic high-profile and uptown seafood restaurant on the entire Penang island; nicknamed the Pearl of the Orient or the Glutton/Food Haven..
In fact, it is the most expensive seafood restaurant as well; that’s the famous Eden Seafood Village…awwwwwwws

We took the table next to the ranch which overlooks the beach; the sand and the sea and we could catch lots of horse-riding, surfing, motor rides, people strolling down the beach, parachuting, water splashing, etc all live in action…really cool. Best part is, the seaside is always PickyEater’s favourite place to be and to watch the sea and also hear the sound of the waves…just heavenly!!~

Pics of the open air section in the restaurant

(So different from those places with sulky waitresses who can’t wait and start to fidget when you are taking your time in deciding what to eat:p )
Having seated ourselves comfortably, we were served with this and also ordered our drinks while browsing through the menu.

One of those appetizers which is quite similar to Kimchi – soury and pickled vegetables. PickyEater likes it!

Our drinks are here…

Finally, our food came….

Wowww….nice nice; it’s a thick broth which is battered with corn flour mixture and also with some eggs I think. And there’s generous servings of the sweet corn (my favourite little ones: ) and also sliced crabmeat (yeay, PickyEater doesn’t have to take it out from the crab herself:p )

Yum yum; PickyEater doesn’t eat that much, BUT I could live for thisJ
And who can forget to order fish for PickyEater? Haha…the steamed garoupa; slightly larger in size for 2 people.

It was a little oily; but it was actually coming from the fish and PickyEater has this theory that fish which swims in the aquarium or being reared always contains more fats in them compared to the seawater fish. Why? Because those seawater fish have such a large swimming area compared to the space-constrained aquarium. Hahaha…so, in short, not much exercise space and caused the fish to be fatter:p
Pal laughed at my suggestion:p

Naughty naughty...felt full:(
Too dark….
And the next table; a bunch of foreigners; ordered this dish which got the chef coming over to slice it for them in action…haha; interesting.
Chef is so friendly; he smiled and posed for us =)
This was supposed to be one of their specialty dish; the Pekingese Roasted Duck….wow, the smell of the meat definitely overcame the air and PickyEater had a hard time to withstand it

The selection of duck dishes being displayed
These are more pics of the restaurant….all the way when you come into the restaurant.
This is the rack of wine
And the mini bar….
Chilled veggies in the fridge
The poor little fishies in the aquariums…lined up ..not knowing their fate…aww, I feel guiltyL
*PickyEater has this irk whereby she cannot bear to look at live swimming fish before she eats the fish (despite her love for fish and seafood)*
Oh ya, this place is famous and superb for their signature and trademark Lobster. I didn’t have it this round but my pal treated me before…a live Australian lobster…SUPERB! (sorry, no pic then :P0
Pray that I win a lucky draw or something so that I can come here again for the lobster..hehe
PickyEater in front of Eden…. proof of visit:)
Great birthday and THANK you so much Benjy!! It was great and sorry to burn that hole in your wallet/credit card….*guilt*

And the next table; a bunch of foreigners; ordered this dish which got the chef coming over to slice it for them in action…haha; interesting.

This was supposed to be one of their specialty dish; the Pekingese Roasted Duck….wow, the smell of the meat definitely overcame the air and PickyEater had a hard time to withstand it

These are more pics of the restaurant….all the way when you come into the restaurant.

Oh ya, this place is famous and superb for their signature and trademark Lobster. I didn’t have it this round but my pal treated me before…a live Australian lobster…SUPERB! (sorry, no pic then :P0
Pray that I win a lucky draw or something so that I can come here again for the lobster..hehe

Great birthday and THANK you so much Benjy!! It was great and sorry to burn that hole in your wallet/credit card….*guilt*
*PickyEater ate more and had tummy ache at night...*sighs* the sensitive tummy of PickyEater...cannot be overloaded:(
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