Haha...initially was tempted to just indulge in one of those nice restaurants near the Esplanade area but then we decided to go to this place on the sign board; Lau Pa Sat (not really sure where it is)
We asked this waiter boy and he told us it's pretty near; about 5-10 minutes walk....yeah right!!
We ended up walking until our legs were numb:p
We finally found it; it's actually a food court with lots of varieties of food.....
This is how it looks like:

Not that many people - although it was peak dinner hour; about 7-7.30p.m.
Guess there's too many food courts in Singapore:P
We walked around, scouting for the food we would like...hehe, I found more desserts or icy stuffs which interest me more:p
We settled for this one - Seafood Soup.

There was another one which served tomyam mini steamboat (also seafood) which I felt was more worthy but somehow, we went for this one:P

Ordered the sliced fish soup with rice.... not bad; SGD4.50 for sliced fish (quite thick in texture and generous serving portion for a person), topped with some cabbage and also green leafy vege and also anchovies.
Probably too tired and hungry also...haha....

Ordered this fried oyster omelette from the neighboring stall....hehe, SGD4 for 4 priceless oysters....yeah, and the rest were eggs covered with corn starch:p
The funniest thing was that we preferred the starch to the eggs....weird huh:p

And this is the blackcurrant ice kacang...haha, big red kidney beans but the syrup used must be of the sparkling Ribena (blackcurrant) as I could hear it fizzle here and there while eating it:p
Then there was this little miniature brush which was stuck in it....it was actually a little honey lollipop...don't ask me why it was there, not playing any role in changing the taste of the dessert.
So, since it was fizzling, we ordered another one for me....yeah, this was the red bean and sweet corn ice kacang...combination of my 2 favourite stuffs!!!

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