Nopes; you didn't read this wrongly - I did type that as SQUARE watermelons.
Perhaps it may not even come as a surprise for some of you who already read the news and also surf news articles often.
Anyway, I myself have also heard about this but still pretty amazed...ermm...stunned to actually see this in the graphics.
Haha...who'd ever thought that this is indeed reality and possible...
Well, this breakthrough came all the way from point for the East...:)
The Land of the Rising Sun once again proved to the world that the smaller-sized folks definitely do not have the same size of a brain as they stunned the world with an unconventional discovery and also innovation in doing things out of the ordinary.
Perhaps it may not even come as a surprise for some of you who already read the news and also surf news articles often.

Haha...who'd ever thought that this is indeed reality and possible...
Well, this breakthrough came all the way from point for the East...:)
The Land of the Rising Sun once again proved to the world that the smaller-sized folks definitely do not have the same size of a brain as they stunned the world with an unconventional discovery and also innovation in doing things out of the ordinary.
Furthermore, read this, the idea actually came from a farmer who made this work with a very simple concept. Nah, if you were thinking along the line of using highly advanced technology and machines to make this happen, boy were you wrong.
All it takes is just the simplest implementation; all the farmer does is just to grow the watermelons in boxes and the plant/fruit moulds itself in the shape of the box; taking the square form and thus, we have the square-shaped watermelons. If you want, you can even shape your mould to be triangle, pyramid or whichever shape pleases you - the key point here is creativity.
See how simple it takes?
It is actually also the answer/solution to storing the watermelons. Commonly we purchase watermelons (round ones) which are quite bulky and preferring it to be cold when served or to preserve the freshness, I think the norm for most of us would be to store it in the refrigerator. However, as refrigerators typically contain the shelves and also the convention of the refrigerators usually come in the squarish form, it is usually a difficult feat to store the watermelon as a whole into the cube of a shelf or also the drawers in the fridge. Most of the time, the practice would be to cut the watermelon in half which sometimes could pose some problems for the balancing as it is round and also the squeezing of the fruit into the constrained space.
However, seems that it is pretty pricey as well; what can we expect....afterall, it is an innovation...hmmm....wonder whether they patented this:P
Back to the cost, seems that the watermelons cost about 10,000 yen per fruit which is equivalent to about RM300++ for 1 watermelon....this is nuts!!!~
Hey Malaysian farmers, you guys should also try this out so that everyone can benefit from this; wonder what is it that they are waiting for....anyway, even with this ceiling price, I must say the Japs are truly a brainy and ingenious lot....KUDOS...I am impressed :)
For more information, you can just google (type in square watermelons) or you can refer to the BBC news.
Have fun oogling at the "squares"....
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