Here's my revelation on my Christmas celebration and the food, food and food that we had back at home!
I LOVE Christmas, and always will, but it was surprising that I could overlook the proximity of the festival last year due to the other preparations.
I could knock my head on it!
Anyway, I enjoyed a great celebration with the family, and oh, we had lots of food!
Our family tradition was to celebrate immediately after midnight (Christmas mass); despite the hour (even though it is in the wee hours in the morning!)
Our specially ordered carrot cake (an old favorite and tradition too!)

Sparkling juice is always present in our celebrations!

Gingerbread cookie which I managed to get from Cold Storage, was my gift to the family this year;)

Yeah, we feasted and chatted with each other (the whole family) until we are tired and then clear away for rest.
We woke up and everyone had a role in the meal preparation. Initially, the plan was to have steamboat, and then I proposed to do something different as I wanted to have a nice Western meal =)
I had my hands (and minds) on preparing my legendary Fruit Salad for the 2nd time! ;)

Tedious, and it was really a lot of work!

It was the favorite of the day!!
Mum's new recipe: Vegetable salad (it was much easier to make compared to mine!)

We had spaghetti as our main course

The loaf and butter

Chili tuna with Romaine Lettuce

Dinner was more of an Oriental and Western fusion!
For dinner, we added a Korean braised pork/tuna with Romaine Lettuce

Steamed chicken

Tofu stuffed with fish paste

Orange chiffon cake

We enjoyed chilled longan juice for dessert =)

It was indeed a joyous and FEASTive celebration for us!! =D
makes me hungry for more