Noticed this Chinese restaurant in One Stop which offered 50% on their Dim Sum and always wanted to try it out....
Finally did so on during the Thaipusam public holiday:)
(Somewhat like Ah Yat Abalone's where you fill in the dim sum you want:)
They have the 4 sizes of the dim sum serving and price ranges; XL - RM6.80 (Superior), L - RM5.80(Premier), M- RM4.80 and S- RM3.80

Quite reasonably priced for a restaurant...
What else can we expect? RM1 and RM2 ranges are only for normal coffee shops dim sum:p
*Rubs hands in glee* - Hope to taste nice and good dim sum....
They actually had a lot of seafood items...more than the meaty ones:p
Yucks...this was horrible...too soft and raunchy...not nice at all.....makes PickyEater shudders:p
The Scallops Dumplings....hmmm....not bad also, at least the scallop tasted better than the one I tasted last round during one seafood feast:p

It was a little moist...wonder whether it's soup or oil...haha! (Can't be like Shanghai dumplings with soup in it right?:p )
Shrimp with fish roe....meat alert....supposed to be with fish meat; but somehow it ended up smelling like marinated chicken meat...sighsss!~

And we had free desserts; wow......papaya with harsmar and red dates sweet nutritious for ladies!:)

Total bill was about RM25++....there were 50% discount for all the L and M sized dim sum I think....:D
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