Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Japan Cafe, Gurney Plaza

I have been having Japanese for the past week, don't ask me why, is it my comfort food? I don't think so either, just the usual, do not know what to have and dah, end up having Jap a couple of times:p

So last weekend, while I was out doing some shopping for my daily utilities and also for my upcoming company's annual dinner in Gurney Plaza, we found this little cafe on the lower ground. Not exactly hidden but it wasn't that extravagant in appearance either.
The Japan cafe just presents itself in a homely environment which also at the same time resembles that of a street cafe selling hawker fare and finger food.
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Run by only a handful of people, their manpower was definitely limited to serve customers and hence, moderate speed of service is to be expected.
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A small shop; a partition to separate the dining area from the kitchen
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We ordered the Japanese's famous street food, Octopus Balls for our appetizers.
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It was about RM4 for 3 fishballs if my memory serves me right:)

Topped with fried onion peels, you can see them squirming atop the balls!
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The taste was flurry; and I barely tasted the octopus actually:p
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However, I must say I find these octopus balls unique and credit ought to be given to the guy who was so intense and concentrated on making the octopus balls using the jig which somewhat resembled that of the one used to make kaya balls.
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Our green tea; served in adorable cups like these
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We ordered their Salmon Bento Set
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Isn't this just so adorable? :)
The little figures are actually balled rice!
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I was impressed by the creativity and effort spent on a simple lunch set like this:)

We ordered a side dish; stir fried squids
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Pretty fresh:)

The bento set came with the usual miso soup which was really steaming hot!
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And the dessert; coffee with caramel jelly
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Okay, this was the only thing I find totally ughs...hehe, it was kinda bitter!!

I would say this is an interesting place to explore for affordable and simple Japanese meals!:)
A hidden gem in the midst of restaurants of the Ground Floor of Gurney Plaza


  1. Thanks for stopping by at my blog! How did you find it btw? I'm just curious since it's only been up for 2days :) I hope you keep coming back!

  2. thanks for posting in my blog and nice japanese photographs

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I went there before! Last time, it was some Japanese ladies who manage the shop but then now is not already. The food is not that bad, I last time ordered the Japanese Fried Chicken + Egg Rice, forgot what it called already. Nice, but the portion was small. xD 1 word = cheap.

  4. Hihi Alex!! Welcome to:) I will bookmark your site and link to it here, hope you are okay with it:D
    I couldn't remember how I find it..hehe,pure luck I guess!! Do check out my other blogs ya!

    sagari, no prob!! Welcome here too:D
    Hope to see you here more often!:)

    Nicholas, I totally agree with you - simple, nice and cheap food:)

  5. Wow, the salmon bento set looks really cute! I would definitely order it! Hehe! But I have a feeling that some of their food served are not Japanese food. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)

  6. Hey sugarbean, you are right, they do not serve All authentic Jap food:D
    But their food presentation was really cute...and, at a very reasonably range!~
