This was about two weeks ago, I think about a week before Hari Raya when I went home and my parents brought me to the nearby Pasar Ramadhan.
I have never really been to Pasar Ramadhan, and I rarely go to morning or night markets as well but this time, I just wanted to write and blog about this festive market which seemed to be popping all over the country come the holy month of Ramadhan.
It was definitely interesting to explore and to blog about.
This was the small Pasar Ramadhan in Mahkota Cheras.

It was supposed to start as early as 4pm, but I guess we were still too early as there were still a lot of stalls not ready yet when I was there.
Anyway, a quick glimpse into what this Pasar Ramadhan had to offer

I think basically,anything you can think of, you can find it there, from the brisk walk I took through the market.
It was really a mouth-watering affair looking through the food ready on sale, and the friendly vendors just kept tempting you to their stalls.
I truly admire and respect their determination and spirit in keeping strong to their fast despite being surrounded by these aromatic food.

There were a lot of kuih muih and fried pastries stall in the market, and I have always been fascinated with the colorful variety of our Malaysian kueh, and I have to say that the Malays are one of the culinary experts in this arena.

This is like our Chinese kuih (rice cup cakes) used to worship the deities on 1st and 15th of the month, and the Mak cik was nice to explain to me that theirs differ in the sense that they use vanilla soda in making it rise.
Initially her cup cake was supposed to be white, or creamy beige in color but it was not appealing to the children, hence she dotted some red colors on the cakes to attract the children.
Roti John!

I haven't seen this in a while now, it used to be so popular among my friends back then in university days =)
Ayam Percik


Which we bought some home for light tea snacking before dinner

It was quite hot, but I think it was a very educational experience for myself too =)
Christy aka Pickyeater would like to wish all the Muslim readers a very happy and blessed Hari Raya Aidilfitri!~
Я тоже временами такое вижу но как-то ранее не придавала этому значения.
ReplyDeleteДолжен признать, тот кто писал ништяк накропал.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post, I've been after something like that??